Market potential analysis

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We have found 5 freelancers for category Market potential analysis


Good day, My name is Mansooreh Karimbakhsh, and I am writing to express my genuine interest in the freelance position as advertised. I am eager to contribute my diverse skill set and extensive...

Manchester, United Kingdom

Microsoft Office 365 6 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 4 Market potential analysis 2 Marketing entry strategies 2 Basic research 5

Marketing Consultant

Experienced strategic marketer for 7+ years. Drives successful strategies with actionable insights, content creation, and tailored PPC campaigns using data-driven approaches. I love helping my...

Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Marketing 7 SEO / SEM 4 Content marketing 7 Graphic design 10 Social media marketing 7 Communication 10 Content management 10 Web design 7 Market potential analysis 7 Market research / -analysis Market research / -analysis 10

Versatile & experienced business professional

I am an experienced business professional with 40 years corporate experience (mix of multinational/big corps along with some SMEs), including technical/product management, quality systems,...

Ilton, United Kingdom

Business development 30 Sales training 30 Train the trainer 30 Market potential analysis 30 Change management 5 Design Thinking 5 Quality assurance systems 30 Classic marketing 30

Business Development & Sales Strategy Specialist

Strategic and target-focused executive with 12+ years of financial services business development, sales and advisory experience dealing with EU, US and Asian clients. Skills Focus: • Highly...

London, United Kingdom

Sales management 12 Marketing entry strategies 11 Analysis of market / competitive position 12 Public affairs (PA) 7 Presales 12 Foreign trade consulting 6 Foreign trade / foreign economics 6 Market development import and export 6 Market potential analysis 6 Market research / -analysis Market research / -analysis 11

Ehi blessed

My name is Blessed, a person of exceptional character and values. I hold integrity in high regard and prioritize the acquisition of knowledge through continuous learning. I invest my best efforts in...

Lagos, Nigeria

Market potential analysis. 6 Research and development 7 Operative marketing 6 Strategic marketing 4 Technical writing 8 Author / Writer 7 Quotation costing 5 Graphic design 5

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